Moving Forward RI 2050 Survey

Thank you for filling out this survey to help inform the update of Rhode Island’s Long-Range Transportation Plan!

The Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning (RIDSP) is working on a limited update of our state’s long-range transportation plan (LRTP). An LRTP is a federally-required plan that sets the vision for a multi-modal transportation system – our roads, bridges, public transit, bike paths, sidewalks, ports, and more - over a minimum of 20 years.

Your valuable feedback will help us identify the state’s needs, challenges, and opportunities, informing the vision, goals, strategies, and projects included in the final plan.

All responses will remain anonymous, and you may skip any question.

Contact Information

*Indicates Required Fields

Submitted by Value

First Name

Last Name






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Question 1 of 19

How do you get around Rhode Island in a typical month? Check all that apply.

Screen Reader
  • Driving Alone
  • Driving with others in the car, as passenger or driver
  • Uber/Lyft/taxi
  • Public transit – RIPTA bus
  • Public transit – RIPTA RIDE paratransit
  • Public transit – MBTA commuter rail
  • Public transit – Amtrak
  • E-bike
  • Bicycle
  • Walk or roll
  • Scooter
  • Other (please specify)


Question 2 of 19

(For non-business owners) How well do you feel the transportation system in Rhode Island currently meets your needs?


Screen Reader
  • Very well
  • Somewhat well
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat poorly
  • Very poorly
  • No answer


Question 3 of 19

(For business owners) How well do you feel the transportation system in Rhode Island currently meets your needs?

Screen Reader
  • Very well
  • Somewhat well
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat poorly
  • Very poorly
  • No answer


Question 4 of 19

What would need to change in Rhode Island’s transportation system to better meet your needs?

Screen Reader


Question 5 of 19

What aspects of Rhode Island’s transportation system do you think work well?

Screen Reader


Question 6 of 19

What are the biggest transportation challenges you and your family face in trying to get to destinations throughout Rhode Island? These might include cost, schedules, destinations/routes, safety, traffic congestion, unreliability, etc. Please be as specific as possible.

Screen Reader


Question 7 of 19

What goals should we be prioritizing for our transportation system over the next 25 years? Select up to 5. (Please note that the options in parentheses are examples and represent the broader goals.)

Screen Reader
  • Expand connectivity across modes (e.g. time trains to feed to airport, sidewalk/bus stop connection)
  • Reduce travel congestion
  • Improve regional connectivity
  • Design roadways to increase transportation choices (e.g. make a road safer for pedestrians)
  • Achieve a state of good repair (e.g. re-pave rough roads, repair sidewalks)
  • Enhance transportation network resilience (e.g. improve drainage to prevent flooding)
  • Enhance transportation safety
  • Improve individual and community health (e.g. reduce air pollution from trucks in a neighborhood)
  • Foster social equity (e.g invest in safety/pollution measures in environmental justice communities)
  • Encourage connected communities (e.g. fix sidewalks to improve access to businesses)
  • Reduce vehicle miles travelled (e.g. make it easier to use non-car modes for some trips)
  • Reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. Incentivize vehicle electrification)
  • Create a network of open space, trails, and paths
  • Expand connections to jobs
  • Improve freight connectivity access to national/global freight markets
  • Make transportation investments supportive of tourism
  • Other (please specify)


Question 8 of 19

Are there any specific locations, projects, or policies, where you think transportation improvements are needed?

Screen Reader


Question 9 of 19

If you are willing to be e-mailed a link for the second round of LRTP 2050 surveys, please add your e-mail address here:

Screen Reader


Question 10 of 19

How did you find out about this survey?

Screen Reader
  • Email
  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Poster
  • Word of Mouth
  • Other (please specify)


Question 11 of 19

If you requested special accommodation, were your needs met?

Screen Reader
  • Yes
  • No
  • N/A


Question 12 of 19

What race do you identify as?

Screen Reader
  • White
  • Black/African American
  • American Indian/Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
  • Some Other Race


Question 13 of 19

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino

Screen Reader
  • Yes
  • No


Question 14 of 19

What is your age?

Screen Reader
  • 18 and under
  • 19-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55-64
  • 65 and over


Question 15 of 19

Family Income

Screen Reader
  • Less than $14,999
  • $15,000-24,999
  • $25,000-34,999
  • $35,000-49,999
  • $50,000-74,999
  • Over $75,000


Question 16 of 19

What is your gender?

Screen Reader
  • Male
  • Female
  • Non-Binary
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Other (please specify)


Question 17 of 19

Is English your first language? If no, please specify your first language.

Screen Reader


Question 18 of 19

How well do you speak English?

Screen Reader
  • Very well
  • Less than very well
  • Not well


Question 19 of 19

Do you have a disability?

*Note: Individuals with disabilities are persons with a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities including caring for one's self, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, working, performing manual tasks, and learning. (Codified as 29 U.S.C. 794.)

Your response to the questions above is optional and confidential. It will help us to better meet your needs.

Screen Reader
  • Yes
  • No

Thank you for subscribing to the Moving Forward RI 2050 Survey mailing list.